

It is with great pleasure that we would like to announce the completion of our second street-art project.

The porwer of 2: The artwork is a collaborative project involving 2 NGOs ( us and Asociatia Civicus), 2 educational institutions (Sincai High-School and the Bucharest University-History department) and 2 political institutions: The European Comission and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The goal of the project is to raise awareness to the current refugee crisis that is developing throughout Europe, including Romania.

We als0 have to thank GOOGLE ADGRANTS , for their wonderful help in spreading the street-art message on the web.

Massive respect for the artists and people involved: Vlad Capitanu, LOST.OPTICS and SKIPSQ

But most of all, a big big thank you to YOU, our guests, for supporting alternative tourism, the local community and the street-art movement.

We hope to see you in large numbers on the streets of Bucharest in 2016.

Peace out!
