
Our Tours

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75 EUR
/ Person

Bohemian Bucharest

The ultimate Bucharest food tour

Mixing the sights of the city centre with the taste of the countryside, this tour takes you on a historical, architectural and culinary adventure through the many facets (and tastes) of Bucharest! Journey deep into the various neighbourhoods of La Belle Époque period, while sampling traditional food made with ingredients sourced from local farmers.

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39 EUR
/ Person

Darkside Tour

Bucharest has a very dark past. It’s time you found out about it!

Not suitable for children!
There will be death, a glimpse into the depths of human vice and cruelty, and a pinch of supernatural – but that’s not actually the point. What we’re really interested in is giving you an insight into the (often times tragic) history of the place we now call Romania.

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35 EUR
/ Person

Alternative Bucharest

The emerging street art scene in Bucharest

Explore the artistic and cultural side of one of Eastern Europe’s most quickly transforming cities. Familiarize yourself with the emerging urban art scene, learn about fashion trends and urban planning efforts, visit cutting-edge galleries and design spaces where creatives are shaping the future of the metropolis.

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39 EUR
/ Person

Bucharest Discovery

A classical tour offering a new perspectives

Situated at the meeting point between East and West, Bucharest is a city of many contrasts. This tour will take you on a trip through the city’s history and its layers: the Ottoman period, the Little Paris era, the modern sophistication of the interwar metropolis, the communist years, and the present.

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75 EUR
/ Person

Sights and Bites

Main sights with a twist. History and food tour.

Start your exploration of Bucharest with this insightful tour into the city center. See the most important historical monuments, feel the pulse of the city and discover its flavor and charm on a walk that will fill your head with facts and your stomach with delicious Romanian food!

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39 EUR
/ Person

Hidden Gems

Explore quiant little neighbourhoods, learn about Bucharest's Arhitecture

Beyond the historical center with its mainstream tourist attractions, Bucharest is made up of small neighborhoods (mahallas) full of gardens and delightful houses in architectural styles that talk about the history of the city and the aspirations of its inhabitants.

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39 EUR
/ Person


A glimpse into everyday life in communist Romania

Are you curious what everyday life was like for ordinary people in communist Romania? Find out by visiting this private museum located in a family flat in a communist „dormitory” neighborhood. Preserved almost unchanged since the 80s, Ferestroika gives you a chance to witness and better understand the former communist regime and its impact on people.

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38 EUR
/ Person

Communist Bucharest

Bucharest communist history walking tour

Join us on this tour and see for yourself all the ways in which communism has left its mark on Bucharest: from dormitory neighborhoods, to demolitions of historical areas, to entire churches moved on rail tracks, to the most important sites of recent history.

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65 EUR
/ Person

Bucharest Beer Tour

History and beer?! You can thank us later.

Take a journey into the heart of the city, see the top historical sites of Little Paris and listen to tales of life behind the Iron Curtain. All the best craft beers and local brands will be handed to you with a friendly smile from your local guide as we frequent some of the best beer joints in the city

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120 EUR
/ Person

Sip & Savour

Wine Country Private Tour & Wine Tasting

Think Romania is all vampires, communist architecture and rural countryside? We want to let you in on a little secret: our wine is pretty incredible, too! Sitting in the heart of the country, Dealu Mare is the Napa, Bordeaux or Yarra Valley of Romania, home to the ace up our sleeve: the historic Feteasca Neagrared grape.